
L.E.A.R.N will have bi-weekly meetings on Mondays from 2:30-3:45. Every two months we will delve into a different topic that relates to the year's theme. There will be assigned books and resources to learn about the topics.

There will be 4 meetings for each topic. 
  • 1st meeting- Introducing the topic.
  • 2nd & 3rd meetings- Book check-in, watching chosen movie/documentary, group discussions
  • 4th meeting- Final discussion about the book and general topic. *Making sure to avoid creating a debate-like environment!!*


Each school year the club will have an overarching theme. This year's theme is The Education System. Each quarter we will delve into a different topic relating to the year's theme. Our first two topics this year are sexual harassment & assault on campus and race & curriculum. The other two topics will be decided as a group (possible topics include standardized testing and affirmative action). 

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